Today you are going to prepare a poster about healty food.
The first step (primer paso): look for supermarket brochures or magazines
Cut pictures of healthy food.
Make a poster dividing them into the groups we have studied: calcium, carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and protein.
These are examples:
Make a picture of the poster and send it back to me!!!
You are doing wonderful job!!!!
I miss you.
You need pictures of people from magazines, old brochures (folletos), etc.
You can the pictures, make a pile with them and play guessing their clothes!.
(ponemos las fotos boca abajo y hacemos preguntas para ver si acertamos)
Has he/she got fair hair?
Has he/she got blue eyes?
Has he got a beard?
Now, you are going to practice with "have to" for obligation ( para obligación usamos have to/has to y la negativa don't have to/doesn't have to).
Se hace igual que con have got, es decir, "has to/doesn't have to" SOLO con la tercera persona del singular. Con todas las demás "have to".
Nos indican obligación. Pensad cómo decimos en español ese sentido de algo obligado.
This exercise in only with affirmative. So, on your notebook, you transform them into the negative ok?
Now, more practice. This is OPTIONAL!! ( es voluntario)
Correcciones tarea de "Transform into the negative"
1. They don't have to write a test.
2. She doesn't have to clean her desk. 3. Ken and Liz don't have to learn English words. 4. Andy has to help his brother. 5. We don't hav to do our homework. 6. He doesn't have to write with a pencil. 7. I don't have to feed the hamster. 8. You don't have to take photos. 9. Victoria doesn't have to read the newspaper. 10. The teacher doesn't have to send a text message.
How are you??
Today you are going to listen to a song
You write on you notebook, the verbs you find in the past continuous and the sentece they are in.
Underline, the subject in red, the verb in yellow and other information in green.
(En el cuaderno hacemos una lista de las oraciones en las que aparezca un verbo en presente continuo y subrayamos cada parte de la misma con el color correspondiente, como hacemos en clase). No agobiarse porque no entendéis la canción; por eso motivo está con subtítulos. Así podéis leerla a la vez y parar el vídeo cuando queráis)
I hope you like the song!!!
To practice with this tense, go to this website and do this activity (actividades online)
You record a video of you cooking at home.
Send the video to me!! Mum and dad can help you. My mail is
Explain what you do! Like the girl in the video you watched on Tuesday!!. Simple and easy recipe. AT least, say in English the ingredients you need, ok?
We learn about healthy food (dieta saludable) and the different groups: calcium, vitamin, fibre, carbohydrates, fat, protein,
Listen carefully the video to get the correct pronunciation.
In activity 2 you write food that contains .... Look for the answer in the text.
In activity 3 you design a healthy lunch!!! and write the names of the food you include.
Can you find any verb in the past continuous???? Listen again and try to fing them!! Write on your notebook. Underline subject in red, verb in yellow and other information in green.
Con los verbos like, love, dislike, etc, que indican gusto, le añadimos -ing al verbo que venga detrás, AL VERBO!!!
Por ejemplo: I like eating strawberries.
¿Véis que "eat" es un verbo? Por eso le ponemos -ing.
No lo confundáis con "I like strawberries" porque en esta última no hay verbo después de "like"